On the Job Injury Lawyer the Bronx

On the Job Injury Lawyer the Bronx Trusts Discusses When Benefits Are Not Enough

On the Job Injury Lawyer the BronxInjuries in the workplace are not unusual. Sadly, thousands of workers are injured every year while on the job. The seriousness of these injuries ranges from mild to fatal. Workers compensation benefits are intended to pay workers benefits if they are injured at work and require funds to pay for medical treatment and lost wages.

However, workers compensation benefits may not be sufficient, particularly for the most serious or fatal injuries that occur. If this describes your situation, we may be able to help you. At Polsky, Shouldice & Rosen, P.C., we have helped thousands of injured workers whose workers compensation benefits were not enough. Call us if you would like to find out more.

Workers Compensation Benefits

Every state in America has a workers compensation benefits program. Each program has its own workers compensation board that manages it. Each state’s program may vary somewhat from other states’ programs. Based on the unique details of your case, an on the job injury lawyer in the Bronx can provide more details specific to your circumstances. However, workers compensation benefits will generally include the following:

  • Necessary medical treatment. What constitutes as “necessary” may seem subjective in some cases, but some types of medical treatment are clear cut. For instance, if you broke your arm at work, a doctor’s exam, x-rays, and a cast should not be questioned. If you broke your arm and included chiropractic care, you may have to prove that it was necessary for your treatment.
  • Medications. These might include antibiotics and pain medication, depending on the nature of your injury.
  • A percentage of your salary or hourly wages. When someone is injured in a workplace accident and misses work while they recover, they might wonder why they are not given the full amount of money they would have otherwise earned. Unfortunately, this is how workers compensation operates.
  • Medical equipment. Common examples are crutches, medical cushions, or portable shower benches.

Additional Injury Costs

For most workers who sustain an injury on the job, workers compensation benefits will be enough to cover most of their costs until they can recover and return to work. In fact, all of their injury-related costs might be covered and the most significant financial loss they might experience is the less-than-full wages.
However, those who sustain a catastrophic injury at work may require significantly more medical treatment. They may also need a full-time, home healthcare aide and will never be able to return to their regular job because they are left permanently disabled from their injury. In situations like these, the maximum amount of workers compensation benefits available to them may be insufficient.


An on the job injury lawyer from Polsky, Shouldice & Rosen, P.C. can review your case, medical records, and other details to determine if workers compensation benefits will be sufficient to cover your costs. If they will not be enough, it may be feasible to pursue litigation against your employer to recover your full damages. If you decide to move forward with that option, this will be instead of accepting workers compensation benefits.

For this reason, it’s very important that you not agree to accept workers compensation before consulting with an on the job injury lawyer the Bronx clients recommend from our firm. Call us today to schedule a free consultation with no obligation.

Main Office:

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Workers Compensation Lawyers

500 Merrick Rd, Rockville Centre, NY 11570
(516) 594 0909

Brooklyn Office:

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Workers Compensation Lawyers

300 Cadman Plaza West One Pierrepont Plaza 12th Floor, 11201
(718) 875-0909

Brooklyn Office:

Contact Our Brooklyn
Workers Compensation Lawyers

300 Cadman Plaza West One Pierrepont Plaza 12th Floor, 11201
(718) 875-0909