Workers Compensation Lawyer
Everyone wants to bring their dog into the office now, and you don’t have to be a cat person to know why that can be a problem. While more than 23 million American adopted pets during the pandemic, there’s no guarantee that those 23 million new pets are well-trained – and that can be a huge problem for you if you have to share a workspace with them.
As a NY Workers Compensation Lawyer like our friends at Polsky, Shouldice & Rosen, P.C. can explain, dog bites in the office should be cared for just like any other workplace injury. Read on to learn more about how dog bites can lead to workers’ compensation claims, and see how a workers’ compensation lawyer can help you get the closure and compensation you deserve.
How does workers’ compensation help me?
Workers’ comp is a much-needed lifeline for those who are unable to come in for regular work as a result of a workplace injury. It can help cover the cost of living expenses and other regular payments that you are no longer able to pay off, and it can be a major assistance if you’re just trying to focus on recovering from the injuries you suffered while at work.
How can dog bites affect me?
A dog in the workplace is a liability, especially if it’s poorly trained or anxious around strangers. A dog bite can seem innocent enough on the surface, but there’s always the risk of infection. Additionally, there’s no telling how violent a dog can be, and a deep enough bite may warrant stitches and surgery. The amount of money you’ll have to pay for medical care will definitely outweigh the degree of separation anxiety experienced by your coworker and his or her dog.
Why do I need a lawyer for my workers’ compensation claim?
Workers’ compensation is jokingly referred to as “free money”, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. When you file a workers’ compensation claim, the injury is just the start of your problems. You’ll have to deal with tons of paperwork, and you’ll also need to go back and forth between your employer and your doctors until you’re ready to go back to work. It’s a major pain, but fortunately the right lawyer can help manage all the paperwork and back-and-forth. A lawyer can also make sure you’re awarded enough for your injuries.
When should I get in touch with a workers’ compensation lawyer?
A workers’ compensation lawyer can help you manage all the paperwork you’ll have to deal with after a workplace injury, so the sooner you get in touch, the better. You shouldn’t hesitate to report your injuries, and you definitely shouldn’t hesitate to contact a workers’ compensation lawyer who can help you with your claim.
When it comes to workplace injuries, every second counts. You shouldn’t suffer because someone in your office failed to train their pet. Get in touch with a workers’ comp lawyer today to get started, and get the compensation, justice, and closure you deserve.