Three Big Questions About Forceps Delivery

Medical Malpractice Lawyer

The delivery room is a chaotic place, and everyone’s expectations are different. The healthcare professionals helping you welcome a new life into the world should be at their very best: competent, well-trained, and well-prepared.

However, as a medical malpractice lawyer Kansas City, KS residents prefer, like our friends at the Law Office of Daniel E. Stuart, P.A. can explain, sometimes the people you trust the most end up failing to deliver the quality care that you should expect. When this happens, you should always seek out a lawyer who can help you get the compensation you deserve. After all, it’s not just your health at risk, but the health of your child.

Childbirth isn’t always complicated, but there are instances in which the medical staff in the delivery room may have to help you and your baby. One of the most common ways they can help is with forceps delivery – but do you know enough about the procedure to accept the risks? Read on to learn more about forceps delivery, and see how it can help you and your child.

What are Forceps?

The term “forceps delivery” refers to any childbirth that requires the use of forceps. Despite sounding complicated, forceps are a relatively simple tool. They look like an oversized pair of plastic salad tongs, and they’re designed to gently pull your baby’s head (in time with contractions) if he or she needs a little extra help.

While most forceps look like salad tongs, some are more complicated machines that use vacuum and suction to assist with delivery. Whichever type your delivery room professionals use is usually up to how the hospital is equipped, and the training your healthcare professionals have received.

How Can Forceps Delivery Cause Injury?

Forceps are a widely used tool that can make a big difference in the delivery room. They’re safe, and when in the hands of an experienced professional you shouldn’t expect any complications. However, there are some cases in which a forceps delivery can result in injury to you or your child.

Some of the most common forceps injuries are relatively minor. Your baby might receive some scratches or bruises, but in more serious cases your baby may receive eye damage or even skull fractures. In some cases, improper use of forceps during delivery can result in seizures.

It’s important to have dependable and well-trained staff on hand in the delivery room. The health of your child is at stake, and if they fail to live up to your expectations of medical care, it may be time to contact a lawyer.

What Can a Medical Malpractice Lawyer Do for Me?

When it comes to the birth of your child, you should expect some challenges – but you and your child should never suffer from mistreatment, especially at the hands of the medical professionals you’ve trusted for so long.

Harming your child – especially in his or her first moments – is unforgivable. In some cases, injury is inevitable, but with a well-trained, well-equipped, and well-prepared medical team, the risks of injury should be slim. If you suspect the neglect and irresponsibility of your medical professionals in the delivery room caused injury to you or your child, you should contact a medical malpractice lawyer as soon as possible.

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