Workers Comp Attorney Rockville Centre 
If you do not know what to do if you get injured at work, then we suggest getting information from a workers comp attorney in Rockville Centre at Polsky, Shouldice & Rosen, P.C. Not every working American does, but it’s important that you understand what you are eligible to receive if your employer has a workers’ compensation program. While most companies have some rules or protocols aimed at avoiding the occurrence of workplace accidents, they can still arise and often do anyway. When a workplace injury happens, the very first thing you must do is report it to your employer promptly.
Why is it so crucial that I don’t wait to report my injury?
Unfortunately, many workers wait to see if their injury will get better first. And only when it doesn’t do they come forward to finally report the workplace accident. But by then, key elements of evidence could have been removed from the accident site and you now don’t have documentation that represents what your injury was like from the very start. It may seem like a good idea at the time to wait, but your employer can actually deny you medical care and benefits because you took too long to say something. As a Rockville Center workers comp attorney may tell you, it is in the best interest of your health and pocketbook that you report a workplace injury that very same day.
What kind of problems may I run into if I failed to report the accident?
If you do not report the accident in a timely manner, you may miss out on receiving coverage under your employer’s workers’ compensation program. Your employer’s insurance program may also question why the incident was not reported on time. If you have health insurance with a private carrier, they may not pay for treatment that is related to your work injuries either. Which then means you could be left paying for it all by yourself.
Does my employer have an internal deadline for workplace accidents?
Your employer may enforce strict internal reporting deadlines when it comes to accidents that happen in the workplace. The best thing you can do is report the incident even if you believe you haven’t been seriously hurt. By saying something immediately, you are helping protect yourself while decreasing your chances of a denied claim if you failed to report quickly enough. If you feel like your claim was wrongfully denied, a NY workers comp attorney in Rockville Centre can help you file an appeal.
What if my employer retaliates against me for the accident?
When completing paperwork to report the workplace accident an injury, you may also want to have a coworker be present just in case your employer tries to say you never told them about what happened as a way to elude responsibility. While most people hope that their employer will act in their best interest, a workers comp attorney in Rockville Centre, NY has seen that this isn’t always the case. Put yourself first from the moment the accident occurs, until the claim is complete and you have received the coverage you need to get better.
Unfortunately, an employer who is worried about having to pay thousands of dollars in an employee’s workers’ comp claim may attempt to mishandle the claim. Even more so, an employer may retaliate against the employee simply for pursuing or utilizing workers’ compensation benefits. If you believe this has happened to you, then getting legal help from a New York workers comp attorney from Rockville Centre at Polsky, Shouldice & Rosen, P.C. is the next step — so contact us right away!
Our team of dedicated workers comp attorneys in Rockville Centre at Polsky, Shouldice & Rosen, P.C. understand that an on-the-job injury or illness caused by the nature of your work can create a wide array of problems for you and your loved ones. These issues may be physical, financial, or emotional. In the majority of cases, the setbacks of a workplace injury can be long-term, if not life-long.
As an injured worker, you likely face significant challenges as medical bills begin to pile up. Your lost income can start to spread you thin, and your family may struggle to cope with the situation. In circumstances such as these, securing full and fair compensation becomes critical.
You may want to know how to go about seeking the compensation you deserve and how much that will ultimately be, which is why we encourage you to contact our team of Rockville Centre workers comp attorneys immediately for these answers.
Factors Which Drive Case Value
The best answer which can be given about the value of your claim, is that it depends on several significant factors. As with most legal matters, the amount of compensation you can receive following a workplace accident or occupationally-caused illness depends on many different elements.
The only way we can calculate a more exact potential monetary award is by meeting with you. A NY workers comp attorney in Rockville Centre can navigate the treacherous pathway toward your maximum compensation possible.
Knowing Your Rights After a Workplace Injury
Most workers who suffer illness or injury arising from job-related duties are entitled to collect workers’ compensation, which is a form of no-fault insurance carried by employers. Workers’ compensation allows financial benefits for needed medical treatment, to make up for lost wages, disabilities, wrongful death, and other things such as vocational rehabilitation.
Unlike the typical lawsuit for negligence, a workers’ comp claim will not offer you money for your pain and suffering. Workers’ comp is a no-fault coverage, however, so workers are entitled to benefits no matter who was responsible for the accident or injury, provided:
- The injuries suffered in the course of performing job-related duties
- You worked full or part-time as an employee (rather than being a freelancer or contractor)
- You notified your employer about the accident or illness within 30 days of its occurrence or diagnosis
- You filed a workers’ comp claim within two years of the incident
- You get the necessary evidence and medical reports to support your claims that your problems are related to your work, and the extent to which they disable you
The most significant factors involved in how much compensation you can recover include:
- How much you were paid before your injury
- The nature and severity of your illness or injury
Options to Maximize Your Compensation
Our experienced and knowledgeable workers comp attorneys in Rockville Centre, NY are committed to helping clients explore all their options for maximizing compensation. We can help you find out whether you have a strong case by reviewing and investigating what happened. We can also help you understand the amount of monetary compensation you may be able to recover, whether it is through a workers’ compensation claim or a personal injury lawsuit.
For more information or to get a case review, contact a New York workers comp attorneys in Rockville Centre at Polsky, Shouldice & Rosen, P.C. today.